Saturday, September 20, 2008

Say Goodbye to Beer Runs

Last night I went over to my friends place to relax, enjoy the Friday night, and enjoy a couple cold beverages. Doing what most college kids do on a Friday night, we hung out, played some drinking games and enjoyed, what most likely will be, one of the last few nice nights before Winter. At one point everyone ventured outside to enjoy the weather and play some Frisbee, but something I never thought I would see appeared. While throwing around the Frisbee, a delivery car turned down their street to deliver, what I thought was going to be, a pizza or some Jimmy Johns. The car stopped about three apartments away, the driver got out and went into his back seat. I figured he was going to grab the food, but to my surprise, he appeared out of the back seat with two cases of beer! To be completely honest, I was shocked. I got closer to the car and realized that was I was seeing was true. On top of the car was the lit up tripod that said Campus Party Store delivery. The Campus Party Store, on the corner of Lake Michigan Drive and 48th Avenue, now offers a delivery service. The delivery guy came over to where we were all standing and passed out the business card that had the phone number and everything they delivered. The Campus Party Store, according to their business card, delivers kegs, beer, wine, liquor, chips, pop, and even milk. Not only was this something I never thought I would see, it is a great idea for the store.
Delivering alcohol is not only a great idea for the store to create a competitive advantage with the two competing liquor stores near campus, but it is a great idea to try and keep students to avoid driving under the influence of alcohol. Students can now relax, enjoy the weekend and hang out with their friends without having to worry about who is going to drive to pick up more drinks. I really hope this delivery service helps increase sales for the Campus Party Store. Anything that keeps kids from driving during a night of partying is not only good for them, it's good for everyone else on the road. I can't wait to try out the Campus Party Store's delivery myself!

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